[78-L] Happy 60th Birthday!

David Breneman dbreneman at t-online.de.invalid
Fri Sep 9 13:55:34 PDT 2016

Von: "Rodger Holtin 78-L" <rjh334578 at gmail.com.invalid>

> The big hole in the Americn 45s was the introduction of massive
> wow that seems to have become part of the music. Always played
> off center. Guessing the European records maye have played a
> little truer with less work. 

I've never encountered problems with wow or off-center holes in
45s more than any other format of record.  45s actually have a
higher surface velocity than all but the outermost track or two of an LP,
so a 45 frequently sounds better than the same cut off an LP album.

I think the reason so many European 45s have molded-in small
spindle adapters is that EMI wasn't as strict about enforcing the
licensing for the technology, since they had a not-invented-here
apathy towards it. I read somewhere that Philips learned a lot
about fee-free patent licensing from RCA's experience with the 
45, and licensed the Compact Cassette patents themselves all
over the world, rather then relying on patent pool partners in other

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