[78-L] glass record mystery

Malcolm malcolm at 78data.com.invalid
Mon Sep 5 14:18:06 PDT 2016

Good call. That had not occurred to me.


On 9/5/2016 10:47 AM, Kristjan Saag wrote:
> As noted, glass was used in the war years for lacquers because it was
> cheaper than aluminium. And the cheapest way to produce glass is to use
> recycled glass: from bottles and bulbs and broken glassware etc. Glass
> separation, in the 1940's, wasn't what it is in these days; probably all
> sorts of waste glass was used, so the end product wasn't transparent.
> Kristjan
> On 2016-09-05 07:02, Joe Salerno wrote:
>> Recently I acquired a number of glass based records. Or I think they
>> are glass. Some say they are glass. They are flat like glass. They
>> weigh like glass, sound like glass when you tap them lightly with your
>> fingernail, and looking at the edge of the center hole, I don't see
>> anything that looks shiny like aluminum. Dates are 1944, which would
>> be the right time frame for glass. But when I attempt to shine a
>> bright flashlight or a red laser thru them, they are opaque, even in a
>> very dark room at night. Is there some reason why a glass based disc
>> would not pass light?
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