[78-L] No longer waitin'

Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net.invalid
Mon Sep 5 19:35:16 PDT 2016

I just lost an Ebay auction that I was sort of unsure of anyways. 
Carolina Club confusion was partly to blame for my hesitation to go for 
it wholeheartedly. The record in question was Harmony 639 Waitin' For 
Katy/You'd Rather Forget Than Forgive. The seller stated the artist as 
Specht, and yes, Specht is listed in some places, but in others, Kemp 
gets the credit.
What say you?

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.

Technology...thoughtfully, responsibly.

Visit me at http://citroen.cappyfabrics.com

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