[78-L] question about a record... now OT

leonard schwartz coonsanders at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 30 09:52:25 PDT 2012

just let it go..

 From: Malcolm Rockwell <malcolm at 78data.com>
To: 78-L Mail List <78-l at klickitat.78online.com> 
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: [78-L] question about a record... now OT
Both my adopted daughter and stepson are dyslexic (same mother) in 
differing degrees. There was more trouble for them in childhood than as 
adults but both loved to read. My daughter also suffers from major 
hearing loss due to an ear infection when she was very small, so a 
diagnosis of dyslexia was not made until later. The authorities were 
trying for ADD, which was not true. She simply couldn't hear and thought 
that was normal. They have both since adjusted to the "real" world.
No stigma and no bitterness in either.
Your attitude is your choice.


On 6/30/2012 4:12 AM, Don Cox wrote:
> On 30/06/2012, Mark Bardenwerper wrote:
>> On 6/29/2012 2:17 PM, leonard schwartz wrote:
>>> theres no reason to be nasty..if u cant say anything nice dont say
>>> anything at all.it would help..
>>> ________________________________
>>>    From: Don Cox <doncox at enterprise.net>
>>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>>> Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 2:45 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [78-L] question about a record..
>>> On 29/06/2012, leonard schwartz wrote:
>>>> ho reason..sorry thanks
>>> Dyslexia ?
>>> Regards
>> What's nasty about dyslexia except it sounds more like a digestive
>> problem than what it really is?
>> (Smiley face here)
> It is a nasty thing to suffer from, and if Mr Schwartz is dyslexic he
> has my sympathy.
> If not I have no further comment.
> Regards

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