[78-L] whats the best way to clean the lazer in a cd player

leonard schwartz coonsanders at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 10 10:27:41 PDT 2012

hi some of my commercially made cds are muffeled too...i took a qtip dunked it in alcohol and ran it over the lazer.its seems to have worked..

 From: John Wright <vintage at jabw.demon.co.uk>
To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [78-L] whats the best way to clean the lazer in a cd player
Lenny, if your commercial CDs are playing OK then there's nothing wrong with
your laser.

Maybe your sound files are poor. Did you over-use a noise
reduction/restoration program? Or several conversions from mp3 back to wav?


On 09/04/12 23:28, leonard schwartz wrote:
> hi gang
> i have this panasonic cd player that when i play cds that i made from 
> 78s it sounds muffeled..i have one of thoes cd player cleaners with a 
> little brush on it but it didnt really help..any suggestion would 
> help.thanks
> lenny

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