[78-L] Mein Schatz ist goldet

Kristjan Saag saag at telia.com
Tue Nov 8 07:52:45 PST 2011

Joe Salerno wrote:

"Recently, I caught the Comedian Harmonist's short video of Wochenend 
und Sonnnenshein (sp?) on the Classic Arts channel.
Something I had noticed before, in the title, at the bottom it says "der 
schatz ist goldet"
What is this reffering to? Is it possibly a source from which this 
little video was excerpted?

"Rainer Lotz wrote:
"...goldet is not a German word and makes no sense"

It actually is a German word, or an inflected word: present tense 
indicative in the third person singular and second person plural of 
"golden", which means the same as "vergolden" (to gild). It's also used 
in conjunctive and imperative.
Example: "er goldet" - he gilds.
"Golden" as a verb is rare, though, and occurs mostly in old German. But 
grammatically "goldet" doesn't make sense in this case. "The treasure 
(or darling) is gilded" would be: "der Schatz ist gegoldet", in the 
passive tense.
See: http://www.verbformen.de/konjugation/golden.htm

Probably "der Schatz ist goldet" is a typo for "der Schatz is golden" - 
"the treasure is golden" - where golden is used as an adjective.
Hoping my school German helps - just brushed it up in Berlin for a few 

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