[78-L] Collections, lists

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Sun May 8 16:35:55 PDT 2011

The future generation will look like Marvin Martian and one blast from his zap 
gun will encapsulate an entire warehouse full of records in a half second.


On 5/8/2011 7:27 PM, Eric Goldberg wrote:
> I did a database of my classical instrumental LPs, but I have not even started on CDs, cassettes or downloaded recordings on my hard drive.
> But then, I haven't shelved all my 78s in an orderly fashion.
> But one day, all of our databases will be gathered together and future generations can marvel at our dedication, devotion and obsession with outmoded methods of collecting and storing information.
> Eric
> --- On Sun, 5/8/11, Malcolm Rockwell<malcolm at 78data.com>  wrote:
>> From: Malcolm Rockwell<malcolm at 78data.com>
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] Collections, lists
>> To: "78-L Mail List"<78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
>> Date: Sunday, May 8, 2011, 12:21 PM
>> All my 78s and cylinders are indexed
>> in a database and I still have to
>> dig through the records to find specific items.  Can't
>> say the same for
>> my LPs and 45s or my cassettes, though.
>> And many new 78 entries have not been shelved, mostly
>> because I ran out
>> of shelf space long ago.
>> Mal
>> *******
>> On 5/8/2011 1:38 AM, Robert M. Bratcher Jr. wrote:
>>> My huge accumulation of 78's, 45's&   33's is
>> not in any database. You want to
>>> find something? Dig through the records!!
>>> ________________________________
>>> From: Julian Vein<julianvein at blueyonder.co.uk>
>>> To: 78-L Mail List<78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
>>> Sent: Sun, May 8, 2011 3:45:56 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [78-L] Collections, lists
>>> Mark Bardenwerper wrote:
>>>> I think I brought this idea up a long time ago. I
>> have made a database
>>>> of my record collection. One can only imagine what
>> a collection of these
>>>> lists would look like. And my set is puny.
>>> ====================
>>> When we snuff it, our record collections will be there
>> for all the
>>> family to see. But are they going to bother to look on
>> our PCs for
>>> databases, assuming they have the password?
>>>          Julian Vein

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