[78-L] Bye Bye, Borders

Malcolm Rockwell malcolm at 78data.com
Thu Feb 17 08:23:02 PST 2011

Turns out Borders is only closing two stores here in Hawaii; one on the 
Big Island and the other on Kauai. The stores on Maui and Oahu will 
remain. Borders is a mainstay of book lovers on Maui, however I still go 
to Amazon if they don't have what I'm looking for. Our Maui store is 
very well stocked and the nearest thing to a coffee-house we have. Poty, 
we could use a good coffee-house (and, no, Starbucks does NOT count!)


On 2/17/2011 5:21 AM, Cary Ginell wrote:
> Before our Borders closed, I was getting 30% and 40% coupons E-mailed to me regularly. Problem is that their stock was never as good as Barnes&  Noble's. Never got discounts from B&N.
> At least I got away with buying one of the floor CD cabinets before they closed. It's in my record room now, stocked with jazz CDs.
> Cary Ginell
>> Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 09:44:00 -0500
>> From: dlennick at sympatico.ca
>> To: 78-l at klickitat.78online.com
>> Subject: Re: [78-L] Bye Bye, Borders
>> But Barnes&  Noble at least has offered discount cards and online coupons. I
>> signed up for a Borders card and found it gave me absolutely nothing.
>> The Barnes&  Noble outlet in Rochester has one of the best second-hand
>> selections I've seen outside of a thrift store. And yes, I still do far better
>> looking online..many's the time I've walked into B&N with a 15% off coupon and
>> not found anything to use it on.
>> dl

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