[78-L] Average age

Stewart, Joseph R RandyStewart at MissouriState.edu
Fri Nov 12 07:50:53 PST 2010

Dan Van Landingham wrote, 
"I haven't seen a high fidelity magazine like Audio or Stereo Review in about 25 years."

Ever seen "Stereophile" or "The Absolute Sound" on newsstands? They're aimed at the "high-end" audiophile(phool?), but still they're about as close to "High Fidelity," "Audio" or "Stereo Review" as you can get these days.  Most of the more "mainstream" magazines that cater to what used to be the "stereo" audience are in the "home-theatre" genre.

Oh, yeah, I'll be 54 next Friday, and have been collecting 78s since I was a teenager.

Randy Stewart
KSMU Arts Producer
Springfield MO

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