[78-L] Average age

Steven stevenc at interlinks.net
Thu Nov 11 15:45:54 PST 2010

From: Michael Biel 
> From: Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com>
> > I would imagine that like stamp collecting, most 78 collectors are 
> > baby boomers or older, since they are the ones who probably grew up 
> > in homes that had 78s or where they were encouraged to have a hobby 
> > like stamp collecting.
> Stamp collectors have also noted the lack of young stamp collectors. 
They don't see stamps anymore.  In fact, they don't see MAIL anymore!!!!
The basic fact is this...if ANYTHING exists in a reasonable number of
easily discerned varieties, SOMEwhere there will be SOMEone who
sets out to acquire an example of each! This has been further
confused by 21st century reality...which states that SOMEone(s)
will set up a business selling the aforesaid items at a significant
profit (and that some other <deleted? will publish an "Official
Price Guide"thereunto...?!).

Steven C. Barr

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