[78-L] Sybil Jason adendum

Taylor Bowie bowiebks at isomedia.com
Sat Aug 28 22:19:57 PDT 2010

I see on Wicki that she was the niece of Harry Jacobson,  who plays such 
superb piano on so many Ray Noble records.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Taylor Bowie" <bowiebks at isomedia.com>
To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 10:10 PM
Subject: [78-L] Sybil Jason on Piccadilly

>I just won the Sybil Jason Piccadilly with the Blue River Band of He's a
> Good Man to Have Around...Piccadilly # 420,  I think.
> What's the deal with this?  It can't be the same noted child
> actress-occasional singer of the same name,  who later made some movies in
> the US?  I looked her up on IMDB and it says she was born in 1927...and 
> I'm
> guessing this record is 1930.
> Was there a Sybil Jason SR. or something?  I don't have it yet so have yet
> to hear it.  Couple of people told me that it's very good...but I'm just
> curious about the ID of the person on the thing.
> Rust lists a few things for the movie person Sybil Jason but not until 
> 1932
> at the earliest.
> Any help appreciated.  Yes,  Steven,  I know your land-lady threw your 
> copy
> away!   :-)
> Taylor
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