[78-L] Who is William Robyn? and some others!

Taylor Bowie bowiebks at isomedia.com
Sat May 15 14:43:36 PDT 2010

Jim,  there was a wonderful book about Tom Brown and The Six Brown Brothers 
which came out about five years ago.  Steel sang in several Broadway shows, 
if I recall,  including a couple editions of the Follies.  Henton played 
saxophone with one or more of the big-time concert bands of the era...maybe 
Pryor was one.

Baur was a long-time Victor staff artist and I think he was also one of the 
Revelers for many years...and much on the radio,  if I'm remembering right.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Whipkey" <suuford at msn.com>
To: <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 2:36 PM
Subject: [78-L] Who is William Robyn? and some others!

> Oh my goodness,  thanks for making William Robyn  real for me.  I'm always 
> amazed at the instant  encyclopedic knowledge from this group.  I gather 
> he  veered away from pop stardom toward  Yiddish, Cantor, etc.  and this 
> probably explains why his  fame wasn't enduring enough, at least in my 
> sphere, to recall  knowing of him.  When did he die? and how old was he?
> Perhaps you all can  bring  a couple more names to life for me.   My 
> latest  acquisition was all Victor records and  again, I see some names 
> not  familiar to me:  John Steel, Franklyn Baur,  H. Benne Henton and 
> Six Brown Brothers.  Bing and Google weren't much help, but I did find 
> several  records for sale  on E-Bay  by the Six Brown Brothers. My first 
> impulse was to jump to a conclusion this was a race, or ethnic  title, but 
> after listening to the record, Chin Chin- a Medley Fox Trot,  decided I 
> was wrong.
> Thanks again for  all the info.
> Jim Whipkey
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