[78-L] fwd: FW: Sinatra Song Often Strikes Deadly Chord ^

Jeff Lichtman jeff at swazoo.com
Tue Feb 9 13:18:22 PST 2010

>Actually I can think of a
>few songs that became hits here in the U.S. without English words. . .
>Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

I'll go further than that. It's not necessary for a song to be 
popular in the U.S. for it to be important. There is a lot of music 
that most people in the U.S. never hear, yet is enormously popular in 
other parts of the world. I don't like to treat popularity in the 
states as if it were a stamp of validity.

                        -        Jeff Lichtman
                                 jeff at swazoo.com
                                 Check out Swazoo Koolak's Web Jukebox at

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