[78-L] fwd: FW: Sinatra Song Often Strikes Deadly Chord ^

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Mon Feb 8 20:50:32 PST 2010

Kristjan Saag wrote:
> "The Sinatra Song"...
> "The Anka Song"...
> Has anyone mentioned that "My Way" is a French song, "Comme d'habitude", 
> written by Jacques Revaux and rewritten in collaboration with singer Claude 
> Francois and lyricist Gilles Thibaut.  Here's the original:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUq2w6_Rhw  Kristjan 
He looks like a 17-year old kid who has no right to yet be singing a 
song about a lifetime of doing things his way.   If we are to believe 
the viewer comments, apparently the French lyrics are not at all like 
Anka's, so maybe he is saying that boy when he gets out in the world he 
is going to do things the way he wants to, but right now his mommy is 
telling him to take a bath and find out what time it is. 

Mike (former 17-year old) Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

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