[78-L] fwd: FW: Sinatra Song Often Strikes Deadly Chord ^

Jeff Lichtman jeff at swazoo.com
Tue Feb 9 13:27:42 PST 2010

>If we are to believe
>the viewer comments, apparently the French lyrics are not at all like
>Anka's, so maybe he is saying that boy when he gets out in the world he
>is going to do things the way he wants to, but right now his mommy is
>telling him to take a bath and find out what time it is.
>Mike (former 17-year old) Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

Here are the French lyrics put through the Google translator. The 
song is about a relationship in which the love has been lost, and the 
couple is just going through the motions:


So no, the Anka lyrics are nothing like the original French lyrics. 
He used only the music.

                        -        Jeff Lichtman
                                 jeff at swazoo.com
                                 Check out Swazoo Koolak's Web Jukebox at

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