[78-L] fwd: FW: Sinatra Song Often Strikes Deadly Chord ^

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Tue Feb 9 06:06:06 PST 2010

You know what I mean! If Anka hadn't picked up the song, who would have heard 
of it outside France and possibly Quebec?

As for "Le Moribond", I was trying to be provocative..that one when sung by 
Brel is to its English version as Mozart is to (your candidate for worst song 
ever written).


Kristjan Saag wrote:
> I wrote:
>>> Has anyone mentioned that "My Way" is a French song, "Comme d'habitude",
>>> written by Jacques Revaux and rewritten in collaboration with singer 
>>> Claude
>>> Francois and lyricist Gilles Thibaut.
>>> Here's the original:
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQUq2w6_Rhw
>  David Lennick wrote:
>> No..because nobody cares! The song was unknown until Anka made it into a 
>> hit.
> --
> Nobody, from a North American perspective, in this case was France. Funny 
> Anka should have picked it up on French television if it was completely 
> unknown.
> Mike Biel wrote:
>> He looks like a 17-year old kid who has no right to yet be singing a
>> song about a lifetime of doing things his way.   If we are to believe
>> the viewer comments, apparently the French lyrics are not at all like
>> Anka's, so maybe he is saying that boy when he gets out in the world he
>> is going to do things the way he wants to, but right now his mommy is
>> telling him to take a bath and find out what time it is.
> --
> It's plain love song about a man who has lost his woman.
> But it's fun to speculate, isn't it?
> Kristjan 

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