[78-L] Charles Lindbergh's reception

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Mon Feb 8 20:34:37 PST 2010

Steven C. Barr wrote:

> 38955 would seem to have been mastered at Victor's Camden facilityl
> matrix numbers there ran through 38999, 39000 through (probably)
> 39099 were all assigned to the Chicago facility; 39100-39330 are all
> NYC numbers...39331-399 mostly Camed, and 39400 was assigned
> to Camden in June, 1927.
> Victor did NOT use matrix numbers in strict numeric order; blocks of
> numbers were assigned to different studios...and in a few cases blocks
> were discovered to have never been assigned, and were as a result
> assigned WELL "after the fact!"
Because the gap happened beetween Saturday and Monday, that's what I had 
assumed, that the intervening numbers were assigned blocks for 
elsewhere.  I had hoped that the VMB2 would make it obvious if some of 
those numbers showed up with their locales noted.  To those who have 
never used the actual Victor files, the actual recording studio ledgers 
that were filled out in the studios,  We get a "Daily Activity of 
Recording" which is a typed sheet combined of all of the different 
locations.  Then there is the "Recording Book [Artist] Index" which is a 
compiled listing of all of the artist's recordings with different pages 
for each artist.  After 1930 these were removed from the lose leaf 
binders and put in artist folders which sometimes have been lost or 
falsified.  So nothing is separated into recording locations.  There 
isn't a Camden ledger, New York ledger, Chicago ledger, etc.  The 
locations are all combined but they are all noted.  We're even told the 
specific studio and the session times. 

 > Partial data can be found in the Matrix folder of the "abrams files"...
 > Steven C. Barr

And where might these be found?

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com

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