[78-L] Kate Smith stamp

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri Jan 8 10:07:15 PST 2010

And there was Huggin' and Chalkin' which ALSO referred to sharing the wealth.

It hasn't gone away..the comic strip Sherman's Lagoon (closest to Pogo we've 
had in years) had a reference to endangered seafood species, in which the worst 
predator is identified and another character says "I'd have thought Kirstie Alley."


Michael Biel wrote:
> Just before Kate's stardom and during the era of Vaughn DeLeath, there
> was a popular song in the 20s "She Gave Them All the Ha Ha Ha" about a
> lovable "girl about 5'4" who weighs 200 pounds or more", who when the
> singer hugged her "met another fellow coming 'round the other side". 
> Sounds like an interesting threesome!  And there now is a porn category
> BBW -- Big Beautiful Women.  So being plump can have its plus sides
> (pardon the puns).  So now let's really hear it for Kate and let's help
> her get her moon over the mountain.
> Mike (really, really sorry) Biel (who is no stringbean, either)  
> mbiel at mbiel.com  
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com>
> At 11:44 AM 1/8/2010, you wrote:
>> It was a different time and place. She certainly didn't SEEM to mind the
>> jokes and participated in them. Humor was different then and what we
>> wouldn't/can't do was tolerated/accepted/condoned/promoted - whatever.
> Well, let's be honest-- even today, people still make fat jokes, and 
> it's still considered okay, which I think is wrong. On the other 
> hand, some of the press back then did not make fun of her-- in fact 
> they admired Kate-- I have a wonderful and very favorable article 
> about her in one of the fan magazines (I think it's Radio Stars) 
> where it basically says she that yes, is a larger woman but so 
> what? She's a great singer and has a great personality and everyone 
> should let Kate be Kate.

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