[78-L] fwd: Marsalis makes the world safe for pure jazz^

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Tue Dec 22 16:53:25 PST 2009

From: eugene hayhoe <jazzme48912 at yahoo.com>
> . . . 'repertory' music (that is 'recreative' music ) is to me generally
> kind of dull (like much of Marsalis' work), as often, I've already heard
> it before, even when the 'record' is new. 

Good point, but not everyone want to constantly hear new and different
and unfamiliar and strange.  Part of the attraction of records is the
ability to repeat the old and same and familiar and comfortable.  I tend
to go towards melodic, which is why I don't like the Coltrane we've been
discussing, and also why I am not a fan of Rap.  Rhythm if fine, but not
when a constant rhythm and minimum melody is all that is offered.

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com   

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