[78-L] Basie - Queen Disc Q-015 questions

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Tue Dec 1 12:26:22 PST 2009

Sheridan's Basie dg gives for Queen Q-015:
13 Dec 40: Rockin' -1 = master take
20 Jan 41: Square -1 = master
10 Apr 41: 9:20 -1 = master
So the Queen has the normal 78 takes. 
The alternative takes appeared on CBS 66101 (the 10LP box).

Han Enderman
>>> There are some discrepancies between the liner of Queen Disc Q-015 and the Lord discography, my copy being ver. 6.0.  I am assuming that Chris Sheridan's Basie discography, which i don't have, is correct.  Woul;d appreciate if someone with a copy can check the following and advise which is correct:

Oct 30, 1940  ROCKIN' THE BLUES.  LP liner says take -2, Lord says -1.
Jan 20, 1941 IT'S SQUARE BUT IT ROCKS.  Which take is on the LP?  Lord omits listing the LP.
Apr 10, 1941 9:20 SPECIAL.  LP liner says take -2, Lord says -1.


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