[78-L] James Reese Europe "Hellfighters"

Jeff Sultanof jeffsultanof at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 20:26:27 PDT 2009


On the IAJRC CD, John R.T. got rid of the cylinder rumble, so I can't tell
from that reissue. But the other point you make is very valid. No, there
would not have been different wood blocks used on the same date, and if they
are the same pitch on other sides recorded the same day, that would convince
me that "Moaning" and "Memphis" are in the correct speed.

Jeff Sultanof

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 11:00 PM, martha <mlk402 at verizon.net> wrote:

>  Also, listen for noise from the master cylinder - when playing a Pathe
> disc
> at 80rpm, scratches and bumps from the master should be going at 160rpm.
> Even on  lateral discs, the 160rpm noises can often be heard.
> Listening to Europe's records at
> http://www.redhotjazz.com/hellfighters.html
> (from the Memphis Archive issue, which I didn't like) , the woodblocks on
> Memphis & Moaning don't sound any higher-pitched than on Russian Rag,
> recorded the same day.   Unless the drummer had different sets of blocks
> (would he?) that could provide a clue for records on which the blocks were
> played.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.ca>
> To: "78-L Mail List" <78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
> Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2009 5:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [78-L] James Reese Europe "Hellfighters"
> > This will depend to a large extent on what key you hear in each version.
> > There
> > are certain keys that are impossible for brass instruments. And at this
> > point
> > I'll step back and let people who know what they are take over.
> >
> > dl
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