[78-L] how many CROWNs?

Steven C. Barr stevenc at interlinks.net
Tue Jun 30 19:19:08 PDT 2009

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Stern" <sternth at attglobal.net>
> Recently got a Mildred Bailey/Norvo album on CROWN -
> started looking for what else they issued - there are
> quite a few different CROWN labels:
Details on a couple of these...

1) Canadian Compo-pressed Crown:

Numbered in 81xxx, 83xxx, 91/92xxx and (IIRC) 93xxx. The 8/91xxx
series drew from Plaza and later ARC; the 83xxx and 93xxx (if any)
drew from Compo's own recordings (some made for Pathe) as well as
a number of  "miscellaneous" sources. The numbers appeared on quite
a few Compo labels. All of the Compo labels dwindled out c.1938,
after Compo acquired a connection with Decca; Melotones were 
still being sold by Eaton's post-war.

2) US Crown (Oberstein had some connection with this one)...

Numbered from 3001 to somewhere in the 3500's; supposedly
set up by ex-ARC musicians/leaders. "Staggered" through the
early depression years, and faded out c.1933. [This label MAY
have been connected with the post-9/1930 attempt to keep
the remains of Grey Gull going to press Madison, Van Dyke
(the former for Wollworth's?) and a couple of their other labels...
this fell through in mid-1931!] In any case, sides cut for this
CROWN label showed up on Varsity 1939-40...!

IIRC, there was also a 9" UK Crown label sold by their
Wollworth's chain...?!


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