[78-L] Polkas eliminated as a Grammy category

Michael Biel mbiel at mbiel.com
Sat Jun 6 17:13:08 PDT 2009

From: "Steven C. Barr" <stevenc at interlinks.net>
> One wonders (especially ME as a blues player...!)...whether,
> as the original blues players depart us, how much longer will
> "BLUES" survive as a category?

The category will survive a long time because "blues" has already been
redefined into a musical form that bears little resemblance to
traditional blues that we hear on old 78s.  Same with "jazz" which has
morphed so many times that it is no longer what I would listen to.  

> In fact, one ALSO wonders which categories still exist...as well
> as HOW one decides in which thereof one officially belongs?!
> ...stevenc

I LONG AGO ran into that problem when trying to decide on categories
when shelving records, which is why so many collectors and archives do
them numerically by label.  

Mike Biel  mbiel at mbiel.com  

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