[78-L] John S Cullings is out of the office.
Thomas Whetston
thomas.whetston at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 19:55:24 PST 2009
Where is John S Cullings anyway?
Having a Whale of a time
Thom Whetston
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 9:16 PM, Mark S. Chester
<mschester at email.msn.com> wrote:
> Good thing it comes only once. One email listserv I subscribe to (a fairly
> low-volume list; one or two messages per week at that time) had an incident
> a few years back where a message came in to the listserv on the Wednesday
> before Thanksgiving and triggered from one subscriber an "out of office
> autoreply" which went out to the listserv... and to all the subscribers
> including the offending account itself, and the autoreply being relayed by
> the listserv to that account triggered another autoreply, and so on and so
> on in an infinite loop. The original message apparently came in around
> midnight, and when I checked my mail around 7 AM there were around 450
> messages in my inbox (as well as that of each and every other subscriber)
> all saying "so and so is out of the office..." and another message came in
> about every two minutes until I finally persuaded the list owner to
> unsubscribe the out of office person or it would have gone on for five days.
> There were also a rash of jokes and protests among all of those messages,
> including my own "does anyone besides me get the impression that so-and-so
> is out of the office..."
> Mark S. Chester
> Phoenixville, PA
> www.whalom.com
> www.wurlitzer165.com
> www.racc.edu
> www.nca-usa.org
> www.gsschesco.org
> www.newhollandband.org
> Subject: Re: [78-L] John S Cullings is out of the office.
>> Yes, my work "out of office" auto response only sends a single message to
>> any particular email address. I assume that's true of most these days.
>> Gregg
>>> And Elvis has left the building, too.
>>> Say...so far the actual "out of the office" automatic reply has only
>>> appeared once! Maybe they've improved the e mail program which sets up
>>> such stuff.
>>> Taylor
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Thomas Whetston
Microsoft Certified Professional
CompTIA A+ technician
thomas.whetston at army.com
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