[78-L] Pfeffer's Big Band Database

Stephen Davies SDavies at mtroyal.ca
Thu Dec 11 09:07:01 PST 2008

        some outdated links to Murray Pfeffer's database show that the 
pages are still there.  It's just the directory pages which have been 
neutered.  I'm guessing there's a reason that the site has been disrupted; 
however for the intrepid, here's some backdoor links:

        The URLs to the U.S.A. bands follow this pattern, arranged by the 
bandleader's last name:

http://www.nfo.net/usa/a3.html   etc.

http://www.nfo.net/usa/b1.html  etc.

        The European band pages, including downloads, and the Territory 
band pages appear to be intact, which is great because that contains the 
harder-to-find information. 
        Inspired by my luck/success, I did some more Googly-wooglying and 
found the Canadian band pages at:

http://www.nfo.net/can/cc.html  etc.

Stephen D

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