[78-L] Favorite Music or Song that Only Appears on 78's?

wes williams wes78rpm at outlook.com.invalid
Sun Apr 5 14:09:32 PDT 2020

The Canaro records were issued by UK Parlophone mid 20s - early 30s. Around 1932 they were given their own OT-100 up series of "Genuine Argentinian Tango Recordings Made In Buenos Aires" for Canaro and similar Argentinian orchestras. After transffering many of the earlier releases, the series issued one disc most months until 1939 and the start of WW2. The recordings came from Argentinian Odeon.
..wes (on daily digest so apologies if this has been posted already)

Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 16:15:52 -0400
From: BURNHAM<burnhamd at rogers.com.invalid>
Subject: Re: [78-L] Favorite Music or Song that Only Appears on 78's?
To: 78-L Mail List<78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
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Even though I?ve been collecting 78s rather intensely for many years, I?ve only come across three ten inch Odeon records by Francisco Canaro - and those three were purchased new by my dad in the mid 40s, not as collectors items!

I?ve been told that these records abound prolifically in Spanish speaking countries but none have come my way, I?d really like to find more!  The three I have were made in England.


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On Apr 3, 2020, at 15:35, Inigo Cubillo<ciadelgramofono at yahoo.es.invalid>  wrote:

Mmm... too many come to mind? It?s difficult to summarize 41 years collecting 78s, plus the years before, which I passed listening to the tapes Dad made, copying grandpa?s 78s? That was far back in 1977. So to be faithful to my first discovering of 78s, probably my earliest favourite songs known only on 78s are are among those; for instance, I?ve never listened to in LP or CD form, never known except on 78rpm, these ones: Andrews Sisters? The Nickel Serenade, Bong Crosby?s More and More, I promise You, and Jack Hyton?s Song Of the Dawn/It happened in Monterrey... Francisco Canaro & Nelly Omar: Adios Pampa Mia/Cancion Desesperada... Sidney Torch & Mantovani By The Sleepy Lagoon/Intermezzo... These continue being old time favourites, 78-only recordings.

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