[78-L] Jack Eizman

Jess McLean jessnmclean at gmail.com.invalid
Mon Jan 6 10:27:20 PST 2020

Don't recall ever seeing the name.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 11:28 AM Donna Halper <dlh at donnahalper.com.invalid>

> I was reading some old newspaper articles about local Boston bandleaders
> from the 78 era, and I found an obit of a bandleader named Jack Eizman.
> Jack (real name: Jacob Eizman) died in 2000, at age 95. The obit said he
> led two big bands, and also played violin and sax. But I cannot find him
> in other articles from the era in which he supposedly worked.  (The obit
> says he worked with Eddie Duchin, Leo Reisman, Larry Green, and it badly
> misspelled Jacques Renard!) I'm wondering if the obit was accurate, or
> family lore, since Renard and Reisman were also bandleaders; perhaps he
> played in their bands, rather than being a bandleader? Anyway, I checked
> various permutations of Eizman, but found very little. Does he ring a
> bell with anyone, or am I just looking in the wrong places?
> --
> Donna L. Halper, PhD
> Associate Professor of Communication & Media Studies
> Lesley University, Cambridge MA
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