[78-L] Oldtimers query

Elizabeth McLeod lizmcl at midcoast.com.invalid
Wed Apr 10 16:34:27 PDT 2019

One of the earliest I still have, from November 3, 1997. I wouldn't mind
finding some of these shows myself, but 21+ years have gone by and still no
surviving "Manhattan Merry Go Round" broadcasts are known prior to 1942.

Date:        11/3/97 10:37 PM
Received:    11/4/97 6:39 AM
From:        Robert J. Lang or Hope Conley Lang, bobhope at worldnet.att.net
Reply-To:    78-l at cornell.edu
To:          78 RPM Records, 78-l at cornell.edu

Hi All!

    Since there seem to be quite a few new list members who are interested
old radio shows, I'd like to repeat a request I made some time ago.  We are
searching for the radio show "Manhattan Merry-Go-Round" form the early
1930's, which featured Gene Rodemich and his Orchestra.  I know that
chances of finding any of these are slim, but some of Gene's relatives
would really like to have one, and I'm trying to help.  Possible leads
given to me by some list members a while ago have not turned up anything.

    Thanks for any help or suggestions.


    Bob Lang
    bobhope at worldnet.att.net

On 4/9/19 11:23 PM, "David Lennick" <dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid> wrote:

> As always, thanks to Ron for keeping things moving, cleaning out the hamster
> cage and all the other stuff over the years.
> I've kept a number of messages in various folders that I thought I might need
> at some time (and of course have never referred back)..the oldest seem to be
> from November 2000. Here's one.
> On 11/16/2000 11:18 AM, Paul Stamler wrote:
>> In a message dated 11/16/00 1:56:02 AM EST, dlennick at sympatico.ca writes:
>>> What are the details of the Nelson Eddy clothing drive item? I have a l0"
>>>   Canadian Compo pressing on which Eddy sings Irving Caesar's "Have You Got
>>> Old
>>>   Clothes", done for the National Clothing Drive. No date given, c. l949 or
>>> l950
>>>   I'd guess since I've had the disc since about then.
>> Same song; here's what the label says:
>> under Western Electric Company license
>> (January 7-31)
>> Campaign Song
>> Sung by NELSON EDDY
>> with Robert Armbruster's Orchestra and Chorus
>> Master 44814
>> [penciled in:] 2:19     2-1/2 R
>> Cleared for radio by AFM and ASCAP
>> [penciled in:] Lateral
>> Reproduce at 78 r.p.m.
>> World Broadcasting System, Inc.
>> 711 Fifth Avenue, New York 22, N.Y.
>> [and a penciled-in arrow, presumably pointing to the cue point]
>> That sounds like WWII era to me. And the pencilling-in clearly comes from a
>> radio station.
>> Peace.
>> Paul
>> To unsubscribe, send an email to 78-L-unsubscribe at topica.com
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> --dl
> On 4/9/2019 6:45 PM, ron at fial.com.invalid wrote:
>> The 78-L list started in 1992.   Douglas Elliott started it and it was hosted
>> on the Cornell
>> University's email server.  At some point later  either Columbia kicked it
>> off their mainframe
>> computer or it became too time consuming for Doug, and he got me to take it
>> over.  I think it
>> initially used themainframe Listserv mailing list software written by Eric
>> Thomas, later ported
>> to Unix machines by L-Serve. Doug E. would have most information about it and
>> the
>> beginnings.
>> Initially I moved the list to various maillist server companies, some were
>> very hard to deal
>> with and put advertising in the emails, so in 2000 or so I moved it to a Red
>> Hat LInux
>> machine with Majordomo mail list software, running with the Sendmail mail
>> server.
>> Later when Sendmail has some serious security problems and became too complex
>> to
>> maintain, I moved it to SusE Linux running the Mailman mail-list software,
>> running with the
>> very secure Postfix mail server.   It currently exists that way as a SusE
>> Linux 'virtual Machine'
>> running on an i7 server in my company's server room.
>>   I contribute the expenses for power, yearly Domain name registration, DNS
>> services, IP
>> connectivity, etc.  as a gift to the members.  I do not need any
>> contributions or anything like
>> that --I have tried to stay true to the original purpose of the list.   The
>> entire machine is
>> backed up weekly along with other servers to hard disks,  the backups are
>> rotated through a
>> local banks vault,  So the last two weeks of backups are always stored
>> underground.  I
>> learned to do this the hard way.
>> I do have a collection of about 7,000  78s, all shelved, takes up and entire
>> half of my two car
>> garage.  I have two Victorolas and a nice Orthophonic, and Dual and Audio
>> Technica
>> turntables with cartridges and 78 styli.  I am an electronics designer first,
>> but my wife and I
>> are past choral singers, done musicals and operas, even toured the far east
>> in a USO show.
>> We enjoy all types of music (well, country not so much :)
>> Regards,
>>     Ron Fial
>> ____________________
>> On 3 Apr 2019 at 13:04, Kurt Nauck wrote:
>>> It appears that I have only been on 78-L since 1998. Can any of you
>>> older codgers tell me when 78-L began and if Cornell was the original host?
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>>> http://klickitat.78online.com/mailman/listinfo/78-l
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>> 78-L mailing list
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>> http://klickitat.78online.com/mailman/listinfo/78-l
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> 78-L mailing list
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