[78-L] Goodman / Carnegie at 80

BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com.invalid
Wed Jan 17 09:02:12 PST 2018

I found the '99 issue sounded great but was full of crackle!  Just running it gently through CEDAR de-crackle cleaned it up completely!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 17, 2018, at 10:00 AM, Mark Bardenwerper <citrogsa at charter.net.invalid> wrote:
>> On 1/17/2018 3:27 AM, David Jessup wrote:
>> The '99 Sony CD omits about 25 seconds or so of "I Got Rhythm." There's also a needle-skip in Buck Clayton's third solo chorus in "Honeysuckle Rose."
>> If you play the Sony CD, then substitute any Columbia *LP* for "I Got Rhythm," you've substantially got it all.
>> Seth Winner presented examples of his work on his lacquers for ARSC, including his "20-minute repair" of that needle-skip.
>> Just the right stylus, right tracking, etc.
>> The Jasmine CD used Sony as a base, hit it with noise reduction & other work. It has the same music omissions as Sony.
>> Can't comment on all issues now available; I've never bothered to try to complete a collection of what would mostly be clones.
>> -- Dave
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> Thanks Dave. Perfect!
> -- 
> Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.
> Technology...responsibly, thoughtfully
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