[78-L] Triangle 11290

Mark Bardenwerper citrogsa at charter.net.invalid
Wed Aug 30 21:58:31 PDT 2017

On 8/30/2017 6:49 PM, Mark Bardenwerper wrote:
> On 8/30/2017 11:11 AM, David Lewis wrote:
>> Though it has a big bite taken out of it, I picked up Triangle 11290 for discographical purposes. To wit:
>> Triangle 11290
>> A: LL 103-2 Anita Miller: Lullaby from "Ermine"
>> B: LL 116-2 Hugh Donovan: Ben Bolt
>> This would likely correspond with Puritan 11290 and Paramount 20290 which would indicate a release late in 1923/early 1924. However, I have not before encountered the "LL" prefix in a Paramount family recording before (it's not "L," as in the Wisconsin Chair-made matrices from 1929 forward.) Anyone know where these sides originated, and a date of recording?
> I find LL 116 a on National Music Lovers 1005 with a different flip,
> covered also as Puritan 11290 dated 4/?/21
> Gladys Rice at NML 1002, different coupling, also on Puritan 11290, same
> date.
> http://www.78discography.com/NML.htm
Astute Malcom Rockwell has questioned my Puritan assertion with a set of 
label scans. That makes me and the information I used in error.


where, actually, 11290 doe not even occur. That also puts the cross 
reference in the NML discography in error.

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.
Technology...responsibly, thoughtfully

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