[78-L] About record sleeves

Kristjan Saag saag at telia.com.invalid
Thu Nov 24 02:47:56 PST 2016

Most exciting website with Paris map and everything!
I guess it's a pioneer work you're doing trying to collect information 
about past record dealers.
As for your list of contemporary record stores with 78's I have to 
report that the one in Gothenburg, Pennies From Heaven, has closed. It 
was Sweden's largest and, as far as I know, there's nothing similar left 
in Stockholm or elsewhere in Sweden.
But Per Ahlin should know more about that.

On 2016-11-24 11:23, Thomas HENRY wrote:
> Hello everyone, Thanks for these interesting messages. I'm also quite 
> fascinated by these dealer sleeves and started collecting them some 
> years ago. I've tried to make some research on this topic but hardly 
> found any written sources about it, I'll try to find the articles 
> mentioned by Inigo. Based on my observations and on what I heard from 
> other collectors here in France (by the way, are your French, Elodie? 
> That's what your name and email address suggest, even though you're 
> writing from Scotland), I tend to confirm what you, Kristjan and Inigo 
> wrote. Records were likely re-sleeved by dealers after receiving them 
> from records companies. I also came across several examples of the 
> same sleeve with a standard Pathé design on the back side (a drawing 
> of the Chatou factory) and the printed name of the dealer on the front 
> side. These sleeves were probably sent by Pathé with a blank front 
> side so that dealers could print their own information on it. If 
> you're interested, you can have a look at "Disquaires de Paris", a 
> website I created last year based on my dealers sleeves and stickers 
> collection. http://disquairesdeparis.fr/ It is an interactive map 
> displaying Paris cylinders and records stores starting from the 1890s, 
> it is still a work in progress and I'm working on an English version. 
> Click on each point to see the illustration. You'll find many examples 
> of dealers sleeves (as well as some rare photographs, postcards and 
> advertisements), like these ones: 
> http://disquairesdeparis.fr/#disquaire3351 
> http://disquairesdeparis.fr/#disquaire3471 
> http://disquairesdeparis.fr/#disquaire4331 
> http://disquairesdeparis.fr/#disquaire3291 
> http://disquairesdeparis.fr/#disquaire3391 Kind regards, Thomas 
> 2016-11-24 10:46 GMT+01:00 <elodie-roy at aliceadsl.fr.invalid>:
>> Dear Kristjan and Inigo, Thank you for your illuminating messages and 
>> suggestions -- they are precious! I will be searching for the 
>> articles which appeared in 'For the Record'. It is interesting to 
>> look at the Swedish cardboard sleeves; I was especially taken by the 
>> advertisement for Eric Nillson's shop, which would sell a mix of 
>> music, photographic equipment, radio sets and tennis gear (!).... I 
>> like how these sleeves allow us to retrace a kind of primitive 
>> 'biography' of the record, or at least to learn in which kind of 
>> environments it was fist distributed. From looking at my British 
>> sleeves, I see that records were often sold in cycle shops... but I 
>> also found references to shops selling 'records and electric shades' 
>> for instance...! I wonder whether this practice of re-sleeving also 
>> took place outside Europe (broadly defined).... Kind regards, Elodie 
>> ----- Mail original ----- De: "Kristjan Saag" 
>> <saag at telia.com.invalid> À: "78-L Mail List" 
>> <78-l at klickitat.78online.com> Envoyé: Mercredi 23 Novembre 2016 
>> 22:39:46 Objet: Re: [78-L] About record sleeves Some Swedish cardbord 
>> sleeves for record stores (some labels also used cardbord): 
>> http://www.tradera.com/item/2106/269834504/1-st-omslag- 
>> till-stenkaka-appeltoffts-kalmar 
>> http://www.tradera.com/item/2106/266492390/1-st-omslag- 
>> till-stenkaka-a-b-w-mattson 
>> http://www.tradera.com/item/2106/266492481/1-st-omslag- 
>> till-stenkaka-b-o-radio-malmo 
>> http://www.tradera.com/item/2106/266492432/1-st-omslag- 
>> till-stenkaka-eric-nilsson-eskilstuna 
>> http://www.tradera.com/item/2106/266492433/1-st-omslag- 
>> till-stenkaka-waidele-goteborg Kristjan On 2016-11-23 22:15, Inigo 
>> Cubillo wrote:
>>> I too bid for the re-sleeving at the record shops. Elodie, being in 
>>> Scotland, I bet you are talking about those marvelous thick 
>>> cardboard sleeves with advertisements of every record or music 
>>> dealer, record arcades and the like, you have in GB. I strongly 
>>> recommend you to check the articles about British record sleeves in 
>>> 'For The Record', the journal of CLGPS. These were titled 'Covers 
>>> Covered', and had photos and some talking about many of these 
>>> sleeves. Dunno if they're still running that series... I'll check 
>>> right now... No. They were run by the late Tom Little, who passed 
>>> away just one year ago. Good bless him! He started this series in 
>>> spring 2005 (FTR no 13) calling the two first articles 'Sleeve 
>>> Search'. No 3 was the first to be renamed as 'Covers Covered'. I 
>>> quitted from CLGPS in 2008, due to involuntary circumstances, but 
>>> have resumed membership recently, just to find some of the veteran 
>>> members and active collaborators have recently passed away... I also 
>>> collect British records as they fall in my hands, and have also a 
>>> nice bunch of those heavy covers. I keep them in boxes, apart from 
>>> the records, but have also plans to maybe reproduce them on new 
>>> paper covers for daily use. A scanner and a good printer would do 
>>> the marvel! Saludos, Iñigo 
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