[78-L] Lousy on 78s- great as reissue

Michael Shoshani michael.shoshani at gmail.com.invalid
Tue Apr 12 08:45:34 PDT 2016

Tell you what I don't understand (well, that would take years): Why didn't
they just make a matrix and mother from one of the lacquers, and dub from
that? That seems more stable, dimensionally and otherwise, than sitting on
a lacquer for up to a decade and then dubbing that. (Also, where did they
store everything?)


On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 10:28 AM, David Lennick <
dlennick at sympatico.ca.invalid> wrote:

> Wallerstein would have been the first one to say "We tried long play at
> Victor and it flopped." And he was, wasn't he?
> Victors sound awful after the ban..if they were recording at 33 they must
> have dubbed to 78 and then kept dubbing from those. I know some classical
> recordings were being done at 33 (safeties?) after 1945.
> dl

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