[78-L] Pearl Harbor Day Broadcasts

Mark Durenberger Mark4 at durenberger.com.invalid
Sun Dec 7 05:20:11 PST 2014

Hello Russell.  You can also find two collations placed on line yesterday. 
The first (10 minutes) is an assembly of news flashes and bulletins on the 
attack.  The second (17 minutes) scopes radio announcements and reaction 
following the attack...and in particular highlights preparation for possible 
follow-on attack on the U.S. West Coast:




Mark Durenberger

-----Original Message----- 
From: Ray Kilcoyne
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 7:05 AM
To: 78-L Mail List
Subject: Re: [78-L] Pearl Harbor Day Broadcasts

Yesterday USA Radio streams on the internet so you should be able to get it.
You can try it right now at...
There is a bluegrass gospel show on now.
11PM ET is about 15 hours from now.
I live in the UK (Dorset).  The Pearl Harbour events interest me
historically - is it possible to make contact and listen here in England.
From: Sammy JonesJust a reminder that I'll be joining listmember Michael
Biel and Walden
Hughes on their regular Sunday night radio show on YesterdayUSA.com.

We'll be playing lots of Pearl Harbor-related radio broadcasts, dubbed from
original transcription discs.  Lots of rare and rarely heard programs (some
just in from Nauck's!).

It all starts Sunday at 11:00 PM ET  on YesterdayUSA.com.  Listen on both
the Red and Blue networks.

The "transcribed repeat" will be Monday at 10:00 AM ET on the Blue.

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