[78-L] OFF TOPIC: Buster's Comments

David Breneman dbreneman at t-online.de.invalid
Thu Aug 14 14:02:37 PDT 2014

Von: Malcolm Rockwell <malcolm at 78data.com.invalid>

> What in the name of the Great Guacamole is this Busted guy still doing
> on this list?
> Amusement value?

This list isn't actively moderated, is it?  On another mailing list I subscribe
to, we were treated to a lecture by a member on the evils miscegenation,
prompted by his discovery that I was white and my wife was black.  He
was 86'ed before I even saw his post.  That's why I find The-Entity-Self-
Styled-as-Buster's accusations of racism and fears of cross-burning so,
uh... amusing.  If he wants to see racism, he should try vacationing in
the South as part of a mixed race couple.  Most folks are friendly.  Some
definitely are not.

David Breneman
dbreneman at t-online.de

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