[78-L] OT Anyone a DVD player tech - know about repairs ???

Thomas Stern sternth at attglobal.net.invalid
Wed Jul 9 11:32:43 PDT 2014

I have an inexpensive DVD/BD player which has failed after 4 years use.

The rational course of action would be to discard it and buy a new one.


I opened the unit to retrieve the disc which was stuck inside.

There are 3 major components - a couple of boards - one connected to power,
another probably all the player logic, and 

a disc drive, drawer, laser assembly - in addition there a display,
switches, and sockets attached to various sections of the case.


I notice that the transport assembly, and the power supply card are
available on the web for not a lot of money - described as used but working.


Anyone have  experience with this hardware venture a guess as to which of
the 3 major sub-assemblies most likely to have failed?

Has anyone successfully resurrected a dead player ??


replies off list  - thanks!

Cheers, Thomas.

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