[78-L] Help Tariff classification for records

Jamie Kelly otrjamie at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 01:20:04 PDT 2014

Very helpful thanks,


-----Original Message-----
From: 78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com
[mailto:78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com] On Behalf Of Mark Bardenwerper
Sent: Saturday, 26 April 2014 12:16 PM
To: 78-L Mail List
Subject: Re: [78-L] Help Tariff classification for records

On 4/25/2014 7:54 PM, Jamie Kelly wrote:
> I'm trying to fill in a B374-Importdeclaration form for Customs in
> because the package was valued by the seller over $1000Au and I can't find
> the Tariff classification type for records. Anyone know what it is?
> f
> Any help much appreciated.
Looking through the list of publications here, under Schedule 5

Listing this record as "Works of Art, Collector Pieces, Antiques"

I see on this list
that records should be classified as:


See item 3:
Goods, as prescribed by by law, that are:

(a) books, publications or documents to which
Annex A to the Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Materials Agreement, or Annex A to the
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials Protocol, applies;

or (b) visual or auditory materials to which Annex C to
the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
Agreement, or Annex C.2 to the Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Materials Protocol, applies

The Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials
Agreement and Protocol are defined in
subsection 3(1) of the Customs Tariff Act 1995

In other words, it should be free.

Mark L. Bardenwerper, Sr.

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