[78-L] Sirius/XM cancels 40s channel

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Fri Apr 4 12:22:51 PDT 2014

On 4/4/2014 3:14 PM, Elizabeth McLeod wrote:
> There's a campaign going on on the Sirius XM Facebook page to get the
> channel restored -- if not on 4 then on an alternate channel. Supporters of
> the 40s channel have essentially hijacked the page for the past ten days,
> and thousands of people have cancelled, called, and otherwise protested. Any
> 78-L SXM subscribers with views on the matter might feel free to add them.
Good luck with that. My experience with Sirius/XM is they are totally 
unresponsive to customers. They even off-shored their telephone customer 
service to the Philippines and/or India-- the folks who answer are sweet 
but have no clue what you are talking about. Sirius/XM hijacks channels 
all the time (I like to listen to the audio feed of MSNBC, but it is 
frequently hijacked for football games and NASCAR); I was finally able 
to reach someone in their home office to discuss my concerns about 
several of their channels, but the company seems oblivious to how this 
policy of hijacking channels affects the listeners, especially those who 
like a certain channel and want it left alone.  I did find that if you 
tweet about the awful customer service, they do call you back (they seem 
to watch their Twitter feed closely, for some reason).  But they don't 
change the policies.

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