[78-L] Record Noises - Identify and Understand Cause

Koen Kamphuijs & Gusta Harderwijk koen at koenkamphuijs.nl
Wed Jan 15 12:55:56 PST 2014


I read this thread with great interest.

I have the impression the hiss and noise is loudest in the beginning 
and gets less noisy towards the center of the record.  Is it just me 
or is that your idea too?  I was talking about it to a friend of 
mine, a vinyl fanatic and we thought it could be the difference in 
lateral speed (is that the right word? the speed the groove goes 
under the needle) that is much faster on the outside compared to the inside.

Granted, I'm not an expert on this, just curious.

Koen Kamphuijs

The Legends of the Rocking Dutchman - a weekly radio show of Rhythm & 
Blues of the thirties to fifties.

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