[78-L] Marian Anderson

Birgit Lotz Verlag Birgit-Lotz-Verlag at gmx.de
Fri Sep 27 01:31:14 PDT 2013

The discography is rather complicated. My files show the following. But 
there is certainly room for a lot of improvement and clarificatiosn

*Marian Anderson, W. King, piano*

*Marian Anderson mit grossem Orchester -- am Flügel: William King*


*Berlin,ca Oktober 1930*

11749Sometimes I feel like a motherless childArtiphon D.11749/50, 
Phonycord 677,

SpiritualP.94, Sonora 2034, 166, Belvox 503B,

Bearbeitung: Lawrence BrownSonata 10, Remington-Morse ?

Concertone 318, Royale 1765,

Davis DA.26-1/2, 8900, Ultra P.1504°,

Masterpiece 8532B, Royale 1765

NOTE: Masterpiece 8432B shows mx 11749-2

11750Heaven, Heaven (Heav'n! Heav'n!)Artiphon D.11750/49, Artiphone F.1006,

SpiritualPhonycord 677, P.94, Royale 1765,

Bearbeitung: Harry BurleighMasterpiece 8532A, Sonora 2034, 166,

Sonata 10, Remington-Morse ?

Concertone 318, Davis DA.26-2/1, 8900,

Belvox 503A, Ultra P.1504°,

Music Hall MHT.2013, 2016

NOTE: rev Music Hall by Jan Peerce


*Marian Anderson (Contralto) With Orchestra *(Royale)**

*M. Anderson con accompagn. d'orchestra *[?sic]**

*Marian Anderson mit grossem Orchester *[Blüthner-Orchester, Dirigent: 
Helmuth Thierfelder]**


*Berlin,ca Oktober/November 1930*

11767Azraël, pourquoi m'as-tu quittée?Artiphon D.11767/68,

Air de Lia a. d. Oper "L'enfant prodigue"Phonycord 677, 679, P.112,

M: Claude Debussy, L.57

T: Edouard Guinand

11768Adieu forêtsArtiphon D.11768/67, 11768/71,

Air des adieux a. d. Oper "Orleanskaya Deva"["Jeanne d'Arc"]Phonycord 
679, 683, Belvox 505A,

M+T: Pjotr TschaikowskyRoyale 1764, Davis DA.26-5/6

NOTE: Belvox 505 shows mx 11768-2

11769O mio Fernando, 1.TeilArtiphon D.11769/70, Phonycord 681,

Air de Léonor a. d. Oper "La favorite", III/11Royale 1763, Davis DA.26-3/4,

M: Gaëtano DonizettiBelvox 504°

T: Alphonse Royer, G. Vaëz, A. Eugène Scribe

11770O mio Fernando, 2.TeilArtiphon D.1170/69, Phonycord 681,

Air de Léonor a. d. Oper "La favorite", III/11Royale 1763, Davis DA.26-4/3,

M: Gaëtano DonizettiBelvox 504B

T: Alphonse Royer, G. Vaëz, A. Eugène Scribe

11771O love from thy pow's [Amour, viens aider]Artiphon D.11771/68, 
Empire 81*,

[P 152*][Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix ]Phonycord P.152,

Scène de Dalia a. d. Oper "Samson et Dalia", II/1Royale 1764, Davis 

M: Camille Saint-Saëns

T: Ferdinand Lemaire)

NOTE: Belvox 505 shows mx 11771-2

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