[78-L] Joseph Rheinberger

David Lennick dlennick at sympatico.ca
Fri May 24 21:10:35 PDT 2013

Interesting, because Mr. Gramophone Shop lists him, on pp 427/8 (1948 edition).


On 5/25/2013 12:04 AM, DAVID BURNHAM wrote:
> Can anybody tell me why Mr. WERM and Mr. Hall completely ignore Joseph Rheinberger?  I have a Brunswick 78 of the first movement of Rheinberger's Organ Concerto Op. 177, played by Walter Fischer of the Berlin Cathedral with orchestra.  This is a single disc and I'm wondering if it's the first record of a set or if it was issued as a single.  I think this is the first time I have ever come across a record on a major label which is within WERM's time period but is omitted by the guide.
> db
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