[78-L] Record distributors

Ted Kneebone tkneebone1 at abe.midco.net
Sat Mar 16 13:33:43 PDT 2013

I worked for a small record and appliance store in
1947-48.  We sold Columbia and Capitol records.
The local hardware store sold RCA Victor and Decca.
Occasionally, we also sold some small labels, 
especially those that specialized in country and
polka music.  
    The boss told me to save the broken ones.  I packed
them up and shipped them back to our distributor
for credit.  
    The boss tried to guess the sales of a new title.  We 
got a shipment of 25 or 50 copies of "Nature Boy."
We sold 2 of them -- rest were returned.  
    This was in Sisseton, SD, population about 2000.
Ted Kneebone
1528 S. Grant Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Old Time Radio catalog...

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