[78-L] record distributors/retailers

Rodger Holtin rjh334578 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 15 15:50:30 PDT 2013

One of our members remarked a few weeks or months ago about working for a store about the time of the 78/Lp changeover and noted that the store where he worked only carried certain labels.  It seems this was also true in the early days as there were contractual obligations locking that stuff in place for departments stores, music sstores and maybe even mom n pop stores that sold only Victor, for instance, as I recall.  By the time I was old enough to buy records in the late 1950s it appeared all labels were available everywhere.
When did this system of exclusive distributorships/retailers come to an end, and were there any shops in the early days that transcended those boundaries? 


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