[78-L] 1928 Grey Gull Client Promotional Record

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Thu Nov 22 22:53:23 PST 2012

Subject: Re: [78-L] 1928 Grey Gull Client Promotional Record
> From: bruce78rpm at comcast.net
> Date: Wed, November 21, 2012 6:40 pm
> To: 78-L Mail List<78-l at klickitat.78online.com>
> For now, here is the information you requested: Matrix 3011 A : W.N.A.C.
> March, composer James M. Fulton, Played by the Polar Bears, under the
> direction of Will Dodge, Compliments of Shepard Stores, Boston&
> Providence., Matrix 3015A The Polar Bears Picnic, composer J.W. Bratton.
> The Polar Bears Orchestra, Will Dodge Director.
THAT is interesting.  I didn't have Will Dodge as the leader of the 
Polar Bears at that point.  He led several other orchestras for Shepard, 
and Charles Hector led the rest.  But the record label cannot lie... I 
wonder when the switch was made, because as I noted elsewhere, the Polar 
Bears had their own show on WNAC during much of 1928-1929, and it was 
Charles Hector who appeared at some of their live performances.

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