[78-L] Willie Howard on Gala, was Re: Gala: different label styles,

Han Enderman jcenderman at solcon.nl
Sun Nov 18 08:17:31 PST 2012

There was an earlier discussion of Gala on this forum, where Thomas informed us:

Just found a review of the GALA album (#1) in the NY Times,
this would put the recording into 1939 at the latest...
Best wishes, Thomas.

NYT January 14, 1940
Comedy and Songs by Willie Howard. (Gala Records, six ten-inch sides, $2.75)
One of the many new recording outfits waxes Professor Howard in some of his
famous bits "French Taught in a Hurry," "Tyrone Shapiro," "Impressions of the
Moscow Art Players," "Comes the Revolution," and Imitations of Jessel, Jolson,
and Cantor.  Enough said.

han enderman
>>> Here is the information of the circa 1942 Willie Howard Gala album. It was Gala album 1 entitled "Willie Howard in an album of Comedy and Songs." Sides are: 

1000A: French Taught in a Hurry, part 1 (115A)
1000B: French Taught in a Hurry, part 2 (116-1B)

1001A: Tyrone Shapiro (119-1A)
1001B: Moscow Art Players (117A)

1002A: Comes the Revolution! (118-2A)
1002B: Jessel, Jolson and Cantor (imitations) (120B)

By the way, Belle Baker is on Gala album 3.

Philip Fukuda

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