[78-L] Cameo dates - was ROYCROFT label

Thomas Stern sternth at attglobal.net
Thu Nov 1 15:51:41 PDT 2012

Can anyone provide a date for the Kerby-Niles Roycroft 172 recording - the matrix numbers are 3555/3556  ???????????????

ALSO for the CHEERIO album (only 1 matrix is known so far 9178-3) and for
the Otakar Marak which may or may not be Roycroft - 5252 / 5267.

Thanks, Thomas.

-----Original Message-----
From: 78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com
[mailto:78-l-bounces at klickitat.78online.com]On Behalf Of David Lennick
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 11:30 AM
To: 78-L Mail List
Subject: Re: [78-L] Cameo dates - was ROYCROFT label

Images shmimages, I have the English Singers album two and a half times (i.e. a 
couple of sets in varying stages of completeness plus several loose discs, and 
photocopies of the labels of some I was missing courtesy of the Belfer Lab). 
The odd thing about that set of discs is that it was issued with some different 
couplings, and some alternate takes have the lyrics spoken before the group 
sings them. Six of the twelve discs were packaged in a smaller album as a 
Christmas set, and all of the song arrangements by Vaughan Williams were issued 
in a Pearl CD set of VW's music. I've been thinking of listing all of these on 

If anyone knows which issue of Record Research has a feature on this label, 
I'll see what other information there is.


On 10/28/2012 11:03 AM, Han Enderman wrote:
> I have several label images from the Roycroft English Singers Album, containing 151-162.
> On 156 'Down In Yon Forest' the mx is visible, being Cameo mx 2801.
> This was recorded early Jan 1928 (an interesting coincidence for a mx numbered 2801)
> Trying to establish the exact date, there were discrepancies between Russell's Country Music dg (CMR),
> Rust's ADBD and Ty's ODP. The new ADBD is not available.
> Assuming that CMR is correct, the Rust dates are too early, but given as "circa".
> ODP lists Rust's "c." dates as definitive dates, and thus they are too early.
> I have compiled a list of most of the mxs/dates adjacent to mx 2801.
> Can someone give more accurate dates, possibly from ADBORAF?
> Here is a working list of mxs with dates:
> Cameo mxs
> 2784-87 = 6 Jan 1928 Dalhart (CMR)
> 2788-90 = c. 2 Jan 1928 Haing (ADBD)
> -- 2789 = 2 Jan 1928 Bob Haring (ODP)
> -- 2790 = 2 Jan 1928 Society Night Club O. - Cameo 8119 (ODP)
> 2791-93 = c. 4 Jan 1928 San Lanin (ADBD)
> -- 2791-93 = 4 Jan 1928 San Lanin (ODP)
> 2794-96 = c. 5 Jan 1928 Haing (ADBD)
> -- 2796 = 5 Jan 1928 Detroiters (ODP)
> 2797, 2799 = George Hall Orch, Jan 1928 (ODP) - Cameo 8113 (not in ADBD)
> -->  Prob. also including 2798.
> 2801 = Roycroft 156 English Singers
> -->  2800 and/or 2802 also on Roycroft ?
> 2803 = c. 9 Jan 1928 San Lanin (ADBD)
> - 2803 = 9 Jan 1928 San Lanin (ODP)
> 2804-06 ??
> 2807-09 = c. 10 Jan 1928 Haring (ADBD)
> han enderman
> ===
>>>> Can anyone supply discographical data for any ROYCROFT recordings ??
> This label was produced by THE ROYCROFTERS (Elbert Hubbard, arts-crafts movement),
> East Aurora, NY in the late 1920's - dates variously given as 1927-1930, some up to 1933.
> Supposedly pressed by CAMEO (NYC), distributed by Wm.H.Wise&  Co.
> Anyone have information about WHERE they were recorded.
> Performers primarily THE ENGLISH SINGERS, but also Marion Kerby&  John Jacob Niles,
> Rudolph Gruen, The Gilberts, Gerry Riegger.
> Catalog numbers I am aware of range from 151 - 180
> .
> Are there any CATALOGS?  REVIEWS?  ADVERTISEMENTS? etc. ????
> Does anyone have the CD: THE ENGLISH SINGERS OF LONDON - Eclectra 2039 ??
>    Are these all from Roycroft, HMV or both??
>    Do the annotations contain any matrix numbers for the Roycroft recordings??
> ROYCROFT fascinates me.  I would like to see a complete discography, and any references to these
> recordings - Perhaps those on this list can make that happen?
> Thomas.
> ---
> I sold a Rudolph Gruen disc a couple of months ago as well as the Cheerio album
> (the Gilberts are in it), and I have 2 or 3 incomplete sets of The English
> Singers, with some variant sides. I first found out about this label while
> scanning Jim Hadfield's Record Research magazines (and photocopying several of
> them..I've since acquired a long run of them). The discs are all recorded and
> pressed by Cameo and the matrix numbers fit with that label. Lousy surfaces.
> Everything I've seen seems to be from about 1929 but they were certainly
> available after that date since the English Singers are listed in the 1931
> Gramophone Shop catalogue.
> dl
> <<<
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