[78-L] Eureka! I mean, Eroica!

DAVID BURNHAM burnhamd at rogers.com
Thu Aug 30 20:31:20 PDT 2012

I realize that a definitive answer to this question may be lost in time, but a friend and I were discussing the 1927 Columbia recording of the "Eroica" by Dr. Max von Shillings.  This recording was only released in the U.S.A. and Canada on Columbia;  the rest of the world got it on Odeon.  What perturbs us is why would Columbia release this Eroica only a year after the Henry Wood recording of 1926, which, I believe, is a far better recording technically.  The Shillings is so bereft of bass that when I first put it on I thought it was an acoustic recording, however it is a very exciting performance.

Hopefully someone may have seen the paperwork associated with the Shillings recording and know the answer - or, at least have an intelligent guess.


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