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Tue Aug 21 08:16:52 PDT 2012

ey are *tiny*.=0A=0AI would suggest buying the enhanced CD that the site se=
lls.  Don McLean=0Aspoke at the London ARSC in 2001 and several times at th=
e Early TV=0Aconference at the TV museum in Hilliard, Ohio.  They have seve=
ral=0Adifferent types of mechanical TVs in operation there, and the picture=
s=0Aof those from the 20s can be a bit larger than a stamp, maybe the size =
=0Aof a 3x5 card held vertical.  The resolution of a live picture is a bit=
=0Abetter than what is on the discs.  Remember, the air-checks were just on=
=0Aembossed bare aluminum, and consider what they sound like for audio.=0A=
=0AInteresting link to the Telefunken grooved disc.  I have a lot of the=0A=
American RCA CED grooved discs and machines.  The machines are tough to=0Ak=
eep adjusted.=0A=0AMike Biel  mbiel at Original Messag=
e --------=0AFrom: "neechevoneeznayou at" <neechevoneeznayou at gmail.c=
om>=0AI've seen the images online, some site about the history of televisio=
n.=0AAt 30 lines, the images are hardly big enough to call a postage stamp =
on=0A=0Aa modern computer screen.  joe salerno=0A=0AOn 10/11/2012 5:27 AM, =
Benno H=C3=A4upl wrote:=0A> Scottish inventor John Logie Baird devolped a s=
ystem using grooved discs=0A> that could reproduce moving pictures of 30 li=
nes. Has anybody here seen=0A> (or own) a grooved video disc made according=
 to this standard (around 1928)?=0A>=0A> BTW, currently there is on
 a Telefunken/Decca video disc player=0A> up for auction, with some 70 disc=
s. The grooved records turn at a speed of=0A> about 1500 revs/min. It dates=
 from the early 1970s. It fascinated me even=0A> when it was launched: you =
track grooves with a diamond needle and you get=0A> a color picture and sou=
nd!=0A>=0A> Only about 3,000 copies were sold, plus a TOTAL of about 30,000=
unken-TP-1005-1975-VINTAGE-/290784965248=0A>=0A> So, does anybody on this l=
ist own a grooved Baird disc that runs at 78rpm?=0A>=0A> Benno

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