[78-L] Record collecting week 7

Ken Matheson kenmath at yahoo.com
Mon May 21 07:24:58 PDT 2012

Week 7, software
Here is where the old timers on this list can help.
Audio City is a decent software that can, or could
be downloaded for free. I have used it, it is good.
You may want to add a MP3 converter, and noise
reduction software.
I use Sony Sound Forge 9.0e. It has all the features
one will need. It has one big drawback, You just
about need to go to a 3 month school to learn to
us it. It has one feature I use all the time, the ability
to imbed the song title, and artist in the finished
file. I don’t know if Audio City will do that.
There is a program called CD Architect that came
with Sound Forge that lets you create CDs.
I have yet to try some stand alone noise reduction
software. I may try Gold Wave later.

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