[78-L] old album sleeves and covers

Rjholtin rjh334578 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 19:23:15 PDT 2012

They are still a great way to protect records if you have little or no budget for replacements, but I have learned the sticky edge problem, too.  Nasty.  I did a batch of these last summer and learned to use the excess (flange, if you will) that most of the album sleeves afford to make a fold and careful cut that won't bulk up nor leave stickum.  It does take thought and a little practice and is better than nothing. 

Just a tip for the newbies.

The biggest issue I have with old album sleeves is plain old dirt.  Sometimes you can wipe 'em out with a damp rag and sometimes they're more trouble than they are worth.

Little doubt the covers make great shelf dividers and lots of other things.  A few years ago I bought some plastic sleeves for CDs designed for a three ring binder and assembled the whole thing like an album of CDs.  Kinda neat until I dropped it and it splayed all over the floor so badly torn that I tossed it as I probably should have done in the first place, but it was a fun project for a long, cold, dark, shivery evening when my health and convenience compelled me to stay indoors.  Two points if you recognize that :-)

Sent from my iPod

On Apr 27, 2012, at 5:41 PM, "J. E. Knox" <rojoknox at metroeast.org> wrote:

Greetings from FixitLand!

Fred Lowenhaupt wrote:

I use the envelopes as individual sleeves just cut them out and  
tape the cut side with shipping tape. I have hundred or records in  
these homemade sleeves.

David Lennick wrote:

And you probably have sticky records. Not a good idea.

I second that. Whenever I get records in "reclaimed" cut-up album  
sleeves, I re-sleeve them and toss the album sleeves. Unless I can't  
avoid it, I keep anything with stick-um away from records.

Take care,

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