[78-L] Wanna buy a radio?

David Sanderson dwsanderson685 at roadrunner.com
Mon Apr 16 12:20:47 PDT 2012

On 4/16/2012 12:40 PM, Kristjan Saag wrote:
> Modern stuff.
> Get the real things here!
> http://runeberg.org/popradio/1929/1/0002.html
> Kristjan

Ah, but you can't buy it. You can, however, make it yourself:


Lindsay Publications, http://www.lindsaybks.com as above, is  the great 
resource for applying old technology, from radio to steam engines and 
more. They republish old material, and have a wonderful selection of 
ancient radio books, and some not so ancient.

David Sanderson
East Waterford Maine
dwsanderson685 at roadrunner.com

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